Score Differential

Score Differential is the numerical value attributed to a score (Adjusted Gross Score) achieved during a round of golf. In fact it indicates the value of Handicap Index that has been ‘played to’ for the round on a specific course on a specific day.

The Score Differential value is calculated with a simple formula. The result is expressed as number rounded to one decimal place. Finally the consecutive Score Differentials are chronologically registered in the scoring record of a player. They are the basis for the calculation of the player’s Handicap Index.

score differential in WHS for handicap purposes

CR and SR in the formula above are the acronims of Course Rating and Slope Rating. There are two numerical values determined for each set of tees during the course rating procedure. See more details on the Course Rating subpage.


18-hole Score Differential

In general, the adjustment of a Handicap Index relies on 18-hole Score Differentials. Therefore 9-hole scores have to be converted into their 18-hole equivalents. Rules of Handicapping describes the conversion method:
– a 9-hole score is combined with the player’s expected score to create an 18-hole Score Differential.

The calculator below calculates:

From January 2024, the method of calculating the Handicap Differential of a 9-hole round has changed. For some time, the calculator will show both the result according to the 2020-2023 Handicap Rules and the result from 2024.



Score Differential

18-hole Score Differential ?
Printing this calculation form (incl. PDF)

See also:

The complete, universal stroke play scorecard

with calculation of Score Differential.

The Score Differential is registered in the scoring record of this player as the score of the round for handicap purposes (Handicap Index calculation).

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update: December 2023