Darek Okrasa

My name is Darek Okrasa.

I graduated from the Faculty of Electronics at the Warsaw University of Technology, specializing in Telecommunications. Professionally, I work on the technical protection of facilities and on security management systems.

I am amateur golfer. I made my first golf swing in 2000 and now I am a member of the Royal Golf Club in Wilanów.
For many years I have been assembling and fitting golf clubs as a hobby for myself, family and friends.

Since 2016, I have been a member of the Handicapping and Course Rating Committee of the Polish Golf Union. I rated almost all golf courses in Poland.

In 2019, I translated the Handicap Rules into Polish and tested the WHS software operation and calculations in the Eagle2 (Polish golf handicapping and tournament portal). Since 2020, I have been conducting training on the WHS system for Club Handicapping Committees and Club Administrators.


Darek Okrasa golf, Dariusz Okrasa



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