Split Sixes

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Split Sixes:

Split Sixes is a bet format for a group of three golfers. Each player plays their own golf ballOn each hole of the round, six points are at stake, and the three golfers split those points as follows:

  • the lowest score gets 4 points,
  • middle score gets 2 points, and
  • the highest score gets 0 points.

In case of ties the points are distributed as follows:

  • if two golfers tie for the best score, both get 3 points (the high scorer gets 0),
  • if two golfers tie for second best score, both get 1 point, (the low scorer gets 4),
  • when all three golfers tie, they each gets 2 points.

At the end of the round, the golfer with the most points wins. This format can be played net or gross (with or without handicaps). If players use a net scoring, the lowest handicapper plays scratch (with no handicap), while the others get the difference between the low course handicap and their course handicaps.

Other names: English, 6-Point Game, Cricket.

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