Adjusted Gross Score

What is Adjusted Gross Score for?

Adjusted Gross Score is calculated after each round in WHS system. Rules of Handicapping state that “A score for handicap purposes should not be overly influenced by one or two bad hole scores, which are not reflective of a player’s demonstrated ability.” So, for handicap purposes, the number of strokes scored on each hole is adjusted as following:

Net Double Bogey is calculated using the following formula:

adjusted gross score - net double bogey

When a player submits the score before his first (initial) Handicap Index is obtained there is no net double bogey value. Then the limit of par+5 is used for above adjustment of score on each played hole. Therefore the Course Handicap for an 18-hole round is 54 and that for a 9-hole round is 27.

The value of Course Handicap is needed for Adjusted Gross Score calculation. You can enter this value manually or expand the hidden calculator.


The Adjusted Gross Score is converted to Score Differential, that is registered in the scoring record of the player.

See also:

The complete, universal stroke play scorecard

with calculation of Adjusted Gross Score.


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update: March 2024